Outages like: |
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-31 19:36 (6 minutes)
Found similar: |
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 03:12 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 02:53 (19 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
okmeter outage
2021-05-28 02:37 (7 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 02:26 (3 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 02:16 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 01:46 (12 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 01:36 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 01:20 (6 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 01:01 (2 minutes)
[nosql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 01:01 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 00:36 (18 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 00:11 (8 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-28 00:01 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:51 (10 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:41 (3 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:22 (11 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:11 (4 minutes)
[nosql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:06 (1 minute)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:01 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 23:01 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 22:26 (16 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 21:51 (28 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
okmeter outage
2021-05-27 21:31 (10 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
okmeter outage
2021-05-27 21:16 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
okmeter outage
2021-05-27 20:51 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
okmeter outage
2021-05-27 20:26 (3 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 19:51 (13 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 19:36 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 19:26 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 19:16 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 19:06 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 18:56 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 18:36 (16 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 18:12 (17 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 18:01 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 17:37 (18 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
На ноде cl1ojovqhk3qm0ungvip-ujoh были ошибки udp пакетов.
Помог перезапуск collectorov на этой node.
Полезные график;
2021-05-27 17:26 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 17:11 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 16:46 (9 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 16:44 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 16:16 (7 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 15:36 (36 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
okmeter outage
2021-05-27 15:21 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 14:56 (16 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 14:01 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 14:01 (34 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 13:41 (12 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 13:31 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 13:18 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 13:05 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 12:51 (7 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 12:41 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 12:26 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 12:06 (9 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 11:56 (2 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 11:22 (15 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
Кратковременная потеря метрик. https://alfa.okmetric.com/okmeter/graph?duration=1h&graph_config=options%3A%0A%20%20y_title%3A%20metrics%2Fsecond%0Alines%3A%0A%20%20-%20expression%3A%20%27top(5%2C%20sum_by(site_name%2C%20metric(name%3D%5B%22gokserver.collector.metrics_written%22%2C%20%22gokserver.tcp_collector.metrics_written.rate%22%2C%20%22collector.tcp_collector.metrics_written.rate%22%5D)))%27%0A%20%20%20%20type%3A%20area%0A%20%20%20%20legend%3A%20%27%25(site_name)s%27%0Aevents%3A%0A%20%20-%20collector-errors%0A%20%20-%20tcp_collector_critical%0Atitle%3A%20Metrics%20written%0A
2021-05-27 11:12 (2 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
Кратковременная потеря метрик. https://alfa.okmetric.com/okmeter/graph?duration=1h&graph_config=options%3A%0A%20%20y_title%3A%20metrics%2Fsecond%0Alines%3A%0A%20%20-%20expression%3A%20%27top(5%2C%20sum_by(site_name%2C%20metric(name%3D%5B%22gokserver.collector.metrics_written%22%2C%20%22gokserver.tcp_collector.metrics_written.rate%22%2C%20%22collector.tcp_collector.metrics_written.rate%22%5D)))%27%0A%20%20%20%20type%3A%20area%0A%20%20%20%20legend%3A%20%27%25(site_name)s%27%0Aevents%3A%0A%20%20-%20collector-errors%0A%20%20-%20tcp_collector_critical%0Atitle%3A%20Metrics%20written%0A
2021-05-27 11:02 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 10:41 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 10:01 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 09:36 (9 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 09:26 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 09:16 (5 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 08:55 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 08:51 (7 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 08:41 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 08:26 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 08:06 (13 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 07:37 (18 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 07:26 (3 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 07:06 (8 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 06:46 (15 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 06:26 (10 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 06:16 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 05:51 (2 minutes)
[nosql2] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 05:44 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 05:41 (2 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 05:26 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 05:20 (2 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 05:08 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 04:56 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 04:41 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
possible false positive due to
был какой-то скачок на графиках, но сейчас все ровно и хорошо
2021-05-27 04:26 (7 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 04:06 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 03:26 (15 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 03:02 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 02:51 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 02:41 (2 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 02:31 (6 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 02:16 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 01:46 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 01:33 (5 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 01:20 (8 minutes)
[nosql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 00:40 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 00:31 (27 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-27 00:01 (16 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-26 23:56 (1 minute)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-26 23:41 (4 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-26 23:31 (2 minutes)
[db-postgresql1] cpu usage is over 99%
2021-05-26 23:21 (4 minutes)